New Student Info and Registration

  • New Students attending a class must register at the bottom of the page

  • ID/proof of residency must be presented at time of visit

What should I expect and bring?


This information will help the first time student prepare for class. It will also provide follow up guidelines for the hours/days following your experience.


  • Yoga Mat, Large Beach Towel and Shower Towel

    • Rental Towels $5

    • Mat Rental $5

  • Large Bottle of Water

  • DO WEAR: Comfortable athletic clothes, Sports Bra, Tank tops ,Running or Yoga Shorts

  • DO NOT WEAR: Avoid sweat pants and heavy t-shirts. You will sweat a lot, dress accordingly, less clothing is best.



Your Arrival

Upon entering, please remember to sign-in at the self-sign in station, or visit the front desk. Please do not assume you're checked in without signing in at one of the two options listed above

  • Walk-ins are welcome. It is not necessary to sign-up for classes online although this option is available.

  • Arrive at least 15 minutes before class begins.

  • Leave shoes in the designated shoe area.

  • Silence cell phones and pagers and leave them in the changing room cubbies. No cell phones allowed in Yoga Room.

  • Please wait in the Lobby Area until the room is prepared for the next class, this helps to keep our hallway clear for passage.

  • Keep your body and feet clean before entering the Yoga Room and refrain from wearing perfume, cologne, or strong scents.

  • Changing Rooms & Showers

  • Please keep your showers to less than 5 minutes.

  • Leave all belongings in the designated areas.

Class and Room Etiquette

New students and beginners should set their mats up in the back rows, it will be better suited for observing class instructions.

  • Remain Silent. Many students use the time before class to quietly meditate and center themselves as they prepare for class.

  • Students must be in the Yoga Room before class begins. Yoga is a discipline; latecomers are not admitted.

  • All students must use a mat and large towel.

  • When setting up your mat be courteous of the students already in the Yoga Room. Be conscientious of another person’s view of the mirror.

  • Please try and remain in the class the entire 90 minutes. If you must leave please do so quietly, make eye contact with the teacher, wait to reenter the Yoga Room when students are in-between postures.

  • Dispose of gum in a tissue and in the trash can. No gum in the Yoga Room.

  • Only plastic and metal bottles are allowed in the studio. No Glass Bottles.

  • Bring a positive attitude and an open mind


  • A warm room for yoga practice encourages the body's muscles to move more fluidly and therefore also helps to prevent injuries. The elevated temperature also helps the body to metabolize fat and eliminate toxins.

  • It's okay if you are inflexible. The whole idea of practicing yoga is to learn "how" to gain flexibility. Flexibility is only a small part of what you will learn. In the process of daily practice you will learn more than you thought possible.

  • Each posture combines flexibility, strength, and balance to challenge the body. With practice, the body becomes leaner, firmer, and stronger.

  • Stress reduction, healing injuries, improved concentration, pain relief, improved self esteem, and improved stamina.

Personal Information
Country (optional)
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Must be 8 to 15 characters long and include at least one number and one letter. ("&", "<" and ">" are forbidden)
Other Information
Emergency Contact Information
Liability Release
YogaFUZN La Jolla
Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability

I acknowledge and understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in YogaFUZN classes or workshops and to receive prior approval to participate. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and have no medical condition or injury which would prevent my full participation in the yoga classes or workshops.
I am, or will be, voluntarily participating in yoga classes or workshops offered by YogaFUZN La Jolla, during which I will receive information and instruction about yoga. These classes require intensive physical activity and exertion by me in a heated room of approximately 105 degrees and 50% humidity. I understand that such physical activity and exertion may be difficult and strenuous and may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. I am fully aware of and accept and assume the risks and hazards involved in my voluntary participation.
In consideration of being permitted to participate in the yoga classes or workshops, I agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, conditions, injuries, or damages, known or unknown, which I may suffer or aggravate as a result of my participating in the yoga classes or workshops, including but not limited to: (a) my use of any amenities and equipment on the premises; (b) my participation in any class, instruction, personal training, or other activity while on the premises; or (c) my slipping and/or falling while on the premises, including without limitation in or around the showers or locker area or on the sidewalks or parking areas adjacent to the premises; (d) exposure to and contraction of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases passed on via other participants and use of shared space or equipment.
In further consideration of being permitted to participate in the yoga classes or workshops, I knowingly, voluntarily, and expressly waive any claim I may have or acquire against YogaFUZN La Jolla, its owner GBCB, Inc., a California corporation, and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, instructors, and staff, for any injury, condition or death, which arises, is caused by, or is aggravated by reason of my participation in the programs.

I, my heirs or legal representatives, forever release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue YogaFUZN La Jolla, its owner GBCB, Inc., a California corporation, and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, instructors, and staff, for any injury, condition or death, which arises, is caused by, or is aggravated by reason of my participation in the programs.

I further release YogaFUZN La Jolla, its owner GBCB, Inc., a California corporation, and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, and staff, for any loss of or damage to my personal property.

I also understand and agree that, except for a monetary refund of fees, I have no claims against YogaFUZN La Jolla, its owner GBCB, Inc., a California corporation, and its shareholders, directors, officers, employees, instructors, and staff, by reason of any refusal to allow me to participate in its yoga classes or workshops.

I have read the above Agreement of Release and Waiver of Liability and fully understand its contents and that is constitutes a release of liability. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

I agree with the above terms *